Monday, March 16, 2009

Update with Pictures (Finally!)

Juliana is doing fantastic. She finally got her synagis shot after weeks of phone calls to the doctors office, insurance company, and the pharmacy. Her pediatrician finally received the novel of medical records from both hospitals and it seems like everything is falling into place. Her pediatrician and the nurses there really understand what it means to be a micro preemie and offered us VIP treatment at our last visit. I was really worried about bringing her into the waiting room with all of the sick germs floating around. She was 2 weeks late for her shot and I didn't want to chance anything. They offered to let us in through the back door and put us right into a room when we got there. No waiting room but still lots of waiting (not uncommon). She got her shot, a set of vitals, weight and height check and we were on our way. I was very happy about her weight she grew about 5 ounces in a week and is now 8lbs 12 oz. She has been tolerating the increased oral feeds so far and I am hoping that we may be able to increase her rate on the continuous pump feeds. We will see what happens at our next clinic visit on the 26th.
She also has a pulmonolgy visit next month but I am hoping that we can make it sooner. I have been testing her by turning the oxygen off for a little while to see how she does. At this very moment she has been off the oxygen for almost thirty minutes and hasn't dropped below 95%. When I first turned it off she was sleeping. About five minutes ago she woke up and her saturation level hasn't dropped below 97%. I am very hopeful that we can get her off the oxygen very soon. I know that with her off oxygen that her surgeon will also be ready to go in and put her back together. This is something I am looking forward to but at the same time I am afraid to put her through surgery again. Life with Juliana is unpredictable and I don't know that everything will go according to plan with this surgery. All I can do right now is enjoy the time we do have together and hope that all will go well.

Here is Juliana in her swing and big brother, Omar, on binky patrol.

Daddy and Juliana cuddling on the couch for the first time on the day she came home from the hospital. I love her homecoming dress.

Hanging out with Mommy

Juliana's favorite activity.... starring at her hands.


  1. She is so darn cute!!! I bet you are so happy to have her home :)

  2. More than happy that's why I am so sad to think about going back to the hospital but we do what we have to. I especially love her giggle faces. She has the best expressions.

  3. She is soooo adorable!!

  4. Too cute. She seems so happy. And, what a great big brother.

    Kinnick and Carver have had many many issues with detached retinas. Please feel free to email me any time if you need someone to talk to about the process.



Juliana Maria was born on July 12, 2008. She is a micro preemie born at 1lb 2oz. 11-1/2 in 23 weeks and 4 days gestational age.
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers